"It ain't What You Do (It's the Way That You Do It)"

Monday, 28 February 2011

Na de Schreeuw nu de Stem!

Op 20 november jongstleden kwamen meer dan 100.000 mensen
op de been om te schreeuwen voor cultuur. Nu kan u uw stem op
een andere manier laten horen. In navolging van die schreeuw
en in aanloop naar de Provinciale Staten verkiezingen is er nu
"Na de schreeuw nu de Stem."

Check de site: www.nadeschreeuwnudestem.nl

Op deze site vindt u alle cultuurparagrafen van de politieke partijen
die meedoen in uw provincie. Klik op uw provincie om te weten wat
er speelt in het cultuurbeleid van uw provincie.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon

The thin line between actor and character, between the private self and 
the public role. "There was no such person as Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn 
Monroe was someone Marilyn Monroe invented, like an author creates a 
character. For hours she danced and sang and flirted and did this thing 
that's she did Marilyn Monroe. And then there was the inevitable drop. 
And when the night was over and the white wine was over and the dancing 
was over, she sat in the corner like a child, with everything gone. I saw her 
sitting quietly without expression on her face, and I walked towards her 
but I wouldn't photograph her without her knowledge of it. And as I came 
with the camera, I saw that she was not saying no."

From an interview with the filmmaker Helen Whitney.
Picture: Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon, May 6 1957, New York City.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Make Your Wish...


If you want to find out more about me, see some pictures or read my biography...
Check out my new website and don't forget to SEND a wish!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Back to the Future by Irina Werning

She says she loves old photos. For Irina it’s imagining how people would
feel and look like if they were to reenact them today... With her camera,
she started inviting people to go back to their future.

And I hope she will be continuing this project!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Mathilde Willink inspiration for Lady Gaga...

Sylvia, I Try to Imagine her...

Jolie ©

In the monologue Sylvia, I Try to Imagine Her... Sieta and Jolanda are 
researching how Sylvia Plath became such a literary mystery. Why does 
her legend keep evoking our imagination?

Performance: Jolanda van den berg
Director: Sieta Keizer

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Silhouettes by FotoFloor

'Silhouettes' a new series of photographs by the lovely Dutch 
photography duo FotoFloor. The astonishing images
(featuring the two world famous models: Sonja Wanda and
Dioni Tabbes) in black and white are inspired by the cutting

A small but very impressive exhibition at the Eduard Planting
Gallery in Amsterdam. Other great work of FotoFloor is also
shown at this gallery.

Find out yourself and get inspired: 22 January - 5 March 2011

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Elektrotechnique Lernert & Sander

The Dutch band De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig asked the two dutch artists 
Lernert & Sander to create a music video for their song Elektrotechnique.
Get inspired! www.lernertandsander.com