The poem creates a space.
It hides in a tent in a forest.
Making its own bed it falls asleep in the dark,
wakes up under a lamp or the sun.
Billy Collins, whose new book of poems is “Horoscopes for the Dead.”
Earth donates
break in a wave train
fallout active plume cloud spills
red reactors give
cross characters translated
in kanji could say much more
Claudia Rankine, whose latest book of poems is “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely.”
Teeny tiny poem
Teeny tiny poem/just enuf 2hold/1 xllent big word/Impluvium/open-eyed
courtyrd/collectng rain/as all poems do/ skylife, open/birds do:/ tweet
Elizabeth Alexander, whose latest book of poems is “Crave Radiance,”
Elizabeth Alexander, whose latest book of poems is “Crave Radiance,”
and who wrote and delivered a poem for the inauguration of
President Barack Obama.
Low Pay Piecework
The fifth-grade teacher and her followers—
Five classes, twenty-eight in each, all hers:
One-hundred-and-forty different characters.
Robert Pinsky, whose “Selected Poems” will be published next month.
Low Pay Piecework
The fifth-grade teacher and her followers—
Five classes, twenty-eight in each, all hers:
One-hundred-and-forty different characters.
Robert Pinsky, whose “Selected Poems” will be published next month.